Join one of the oldest and most successful ambulance membership programs in the state.
Individuals and families living within Lower Umpqua Hospital’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) District can guarantee themselves an extra measure of healthcare security through the ParaMed program. For just $60 per year, you, your spouse, your unmarried children under age 25, and all persons listed as dependents on your tax return regularly living in your residence will receive emergency ambulance service within the service area.
Even if you have insurance, full ambulance costs are seldom paid. Medicare, for example, only covers 50-70% of ambulance fees: you would still owe the balance of the bill, which is typically as high as $400-750 per use for Advanced Life Support services. Some bills are denied entirely, and private insurance companies often fail to pay certain fees, citing “usual and customary limitations” – leaving you with unpaid bills. Lower Umpqua Hospital ParaMed accepts the insurance payment as payment for services rendered: your $60 annual fee covers the rest.
Medically necessary, physician-ordered non-emergency ambulance service is also provided as outlined below:
- Unlimited Emergency pre-hospital medical treatment and transportation.
- Pre-authorized medically necessary non-emergency ambulance transportation from anywhere in our ambulance district to any receiving facility within 35 miles.
- Medically necessary, physician-ordered transportation over 35 miles will be considered to have 25% of the co-payment prepaid.