DFHC Offers CDL Exams

Do you need a Physical Exam for your Commercial Drivers License (CDL)?

We are currently offering CDL Exams at Dunes Family Health Care. Our providers are certified to perform a Medical Examination Report for Commercial Driver Fitness Determination which follows strict guidelines mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

Please bring the following to complete your exam:

-A copy of your current drivers license

-A copy of your previous CDL certificate

-A copy of your health history and immunizations for the doctor to review

-Eyeglasses, contacts, or hearing aids if you use them

-Recent lab results from your Hemoglobin A1C (HgAIC) and your blood sugar logs for those with diabetes

-A complete list of medications

-Names and contact information for any specialists that you are seeing

Call DFHC at 541-271-2163 to schedule your CDL Exam!