60th Anniversary Celebration

Fond Farewell – Dr. Amsden

Toast of the South Coast Awards

Lower Umpqua Hospital District recently received 5 awards for Toast of the South Coast. We want to thank everyone for your votes and continuing to choose LUHD to assist you with your medical needs. We are very proud of our team and dedicated to providing the best care for our community. Awards received include –… Continue reading Toast of the South Coast Awards

Family Resource Center Information

DFHC Covid-19 & Flu Vaccine Clinic

Emergency Operating Procedures

Pharmacy Updates

Dunes Family Health Care – Update

Experience in Healthcare Marshell Bachelder has been an integral part of Dunes Family Health Care since 2021. Her dedication, expertise and unwavering commitment to providing exceptional leadership have been invaluable to our District. However, recent personal goals have led her to make the decision to transition her role in health care. Marshell was accepted into… Continue reading Dunes Family Health Care – Update

How to Boost Your Immunity During Winter Months

How to Boost Your Immunity During Winter Months 1. Now is a good time to get your flu shot. It can take up to two weeks after receiving your vaccination for your body to develop antibodies. 2. Hand washing or using hand sanitizers is one of the best ways to prevent spreading infections and getting… Continue reading How to Boost Your Immunity During Winter Months

A Message From Our CEO – John Chivers

I get lots of questions about hospital finances and operations when I am out and about in the community and I thought I would answer some of the more common questions here. The most frequent questions I’m asked are about the property taxes we collect from our residents. I think the citizens of Reedsport are… Continue reading A Message From Our CEO – John Chivers