Lower Umpqua Hospital District invites you to a dedication ceremony of the LUHD Business Office in honor of Rickard W. McLean, M.D. Please join us Saturday September 9, 2023 at one o’clock.
Business Office Dedication September 9, 2023

Lower Umpqua Hospital District invites you to a dedication ceremony of the LUHD Business Office in honor of Rickard W. McLean, M.D. Please join us Saturday September 9, 2023 at one o’clock.
On Thursday August 10, LUHD staff organized annual sports physicals for Reedsport Community Charter School students. There were over 56 local students that participated in this event.
Congratulations to our Pharmacy Technician, Leah Head, who recently earned her 340B certification. This is a specialized, advanced-level training program that focuses on aspects of 340B program management, compliance and optimization. This certification requires ongoing education and passing of a recertification exam every two years. The 340B Drug Pricing program is critical for helping our… Continue reading Traveling Trophy Winner – Leah Head
National Night out is Tuesday August 1st from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm in Lions Park. This year marks the 40th anniversary of National Night Out! Lower Umpqua Hospital District is a proud sponsor of this event along with many local partners. This year local participants in National Night Out include: LUHD, Reach, Video Wave,… Continue reading National Night Out – August 1st
Congratulations to Matt Leach, Assistant Information Technology Manager at Lower Umpqua Hospital District, for recently earning the Health Information Systems Certificate through University of Phoenix. This undergraduate program aids learners in bringing Information Technology skills to healthcare with focus on database concepts, information networking, system design, and project management of health information systems. Matt is… Continue reading Traveling Trophy Winner: Matt Leach
Lower Umpqua Hospital Employees participated in Christmas in July Saturday, July 8th to help support community projects. This year we had multiple volunteers donate their time to rebuild walkways and entrances to local residents homes. Special recognition to our outstanding maintenance department who went above and beyond to help in this effort.
On Wednesday July 12, 2023 the Lower Umpqua Hospital Foundation presented it’s 2022 Beacon Awards. The LUH Foundation Beacon Awards recognize the voluntary efforts of our local individuals and organizations who work diligently to improve the health, wellness and safety within our community. Each year through a nomination process we recognize an individual and local… Continue reading 13th Annual Beacon Awards
We are very proud to announce that our Imaging Manager, Kathryn Thurman, recently earned The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Mammography certification and will be bringing back mammography services at Lower Umpqua Hospital. Certification requires that professionals meet ARRT ethics requirements, complete an additional 45 hours of continuing education, job shadow and participate in 125 Mammography exams under direct supervision of a registered Mammographer and pass the registry exam, which includes 125 questions. When asked what motivated her to pursue Mammography certification, Kathryn states, “The lack of care was what stemmed my drive to become certified. We had the position posted for five months with no applicants. Women’s health is a priority, and I know local patients who couldn’t travel out of the area. I wanted to make sure the women in our community are taken care of.”
We started the Traveling Trophy Award at LUHD, recognizing continuing education for employees who earn specialty certifications and advanced degrees. Our first recipient is Christy Alexander.
Congratulations to Christy Alexander, our Materials Manager, who recently earned her Associates Degree in Business Management through Eastern Gateway Community College. This was a long-term goal for her, working full-time and juggling personal and family commitments. When asked what motivated her to return to school, Christy states, “I always wanted to go back to school. My spouse was very encouraging, and I had financial support to do so.”